We are partners in cancer prevention and support programs

The Beekley Medical pink ribbon in Kenya: a proportion of proceeds from our sales goes to cancer prevention and support programs.

The Beekley Medical pink ribbon in Kenya: a proportion of proceeds from our sales goes to cancer prevention and support programs.


Breast Cancer is the leading cause of death of all cancers in Kenya. 

The good news is that when detected early it can be totally curable.

Get yourself and/or your loved ones perform a monthly self-breast examination. Click here to learn how to do one.

Mammography is the only screening method that is scientifically proven to save lives. It is recommended that ladies who are 40 and above should have a mammogram every one to two years, whether there is self-breast examination or not. After 50 years of age, a mammogram should be taken annually. This can detect lesions twice as smaller as self-breast examination can do.

At Sahihi Medical Solutions Limited we are passionate about fighting breast cancer and mitigating its negative impact in our society.

We partner with organizations that create awareness on breast cancer.

Our products enhance accuracy in diagnostic and screening mammography.

When you have your next mammogram in a health facility that uses our products rest assured you will have improved diagnostic accuracy, more comfortable and sanitary experience (watch a video here). By using the Beekley Medical products marketed by Sahihi Medical Solutions Limited, you will also be doing a noble thing by supporting a sister who is undergoing treatment.